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Navigating the World of After School Nannies

Navigating the World of After School Nannies
When it comes to balancing work, family life, and extracurricular activities, many parents find themselves in need of reliable after-school childcare. Hiring an after school nanny can be a game-changer, but it's important to navigate the hiring process with a clear understanding of this unique nanny role. Here is what you need to know.

Overview of Position:

  • Duties: After school nannies are typically part-time positions, working 20 to 25 hours per week. They pick up children from school, serve a snack, and supervise homework. After school nannies also drive children to activities, organize playdates, and take them to parks and playgrounds. Some after school nannies may also help with family duties, such as grocery shopping, running errands, or prepping for dinner.
  • Schedule: After school nannies generally work a minimum of 4 consecutive hours a day. Typical work hours are 2/3 pm to 6/7 pm. If the after school childcare is only needed for 3 hours, MoniCare recommends adding extra household duties, such as grocery shopping or running errands, to create a 4-hour work load. 
  • Salary: The salary range for an after school nanny in the Chicago area is $25 to $35 per hour, depending on experience, credentials, and job requirements. 
  • Benefits: A standard paid time off (PTO) package includes 2 weeks of vacation, 6 holidays, and 2 to 3 sick days per year. Because an after school nanny position generally requires transporting the children, adding a gas stipend or access to a family car is also suggested. 

Making Your Position Appealing: Part-time positions are usually harder to fill than full-time positions. Here are some tips on making your after school nanny position more attractive to candidates.

  • Consistent Schedule: While you may need some schedule flexibility for special events, try and keep the start and end time of the after school nanny’s shift consistent.
  • Earlier End Time: The earlier in the evening the after school nanny’s shift ends, the more attractive the position is. For instance, a shift that ends at 6 or 7 PM is more attractive than a shift that ends at 8 PM.
  • Year-Round Employment: If you are able to offer year-round employment and not just school-year employment, you are more likely to keep the same nanny long-term. In the summer months, the nanny can help with taking children to camps or playdates or by doing more household management duties. A consistent schedule and salary throughout the year will attract long-term candidates.
  • Longer Search Process: Because after school nannies are part-time positions, they tend to be harder to fill. These searches often take 6 weeks or more to fill, so don’t wait until school is starting to begin your search. Starting early and being patient will yield you the best candidates. 

Hiring an after school nanny is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. By creating a consistent schedule, setting a competitive pay rate, and making your position as appealing as possible, you can find a dedicated professional who will enhance your family’s routine and contribute positively to your child’s development. MoniCare is here to help, recommending the top candidates for your unique position. Start your search today at 

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