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Performance Reviews for Domestic Employees

Performance Reviews for Domestic Employees

Performance Reviews for Domestic Employees

Performance reviews aren't just for the corporate world; they are equally important for domestic employees like nannies and housekeepers. Regular reviews create an opportunity to recognize hard work, address any issues, and set goals for the future. Conducting a thorough performance review requires thoughtful preparation and a structured approach. Here is MoniCare’s guide to a meaningful performance review.


1. Schedule Regular Reviews

Formal performance reviews should be scheduled on a regular basis. We suggest a review annually at a minimum, with many families preferring reviews every six months. This frequency allows for timely feedback and helps keep everyone on the same page. Announce the review date at least two weeks in advance so your employee can prepare as well.


2. Create a Comfortable Setting

Choose a quiet, private location for the review. If there are children in the home, choose a time when they are at school or at a scheduled activity. If needed, have one parent care for the children while the other conducts the performance review.  A comfortable setting will help your employee feel at ease, fostering open, productive, and honest communication.


3. Prepare in Advance

Gather all necessary documents and notes before the review. This may include a copy of the job description, records of any work incidents, both positive and negative, and feedback from other family members. Write down a basic outline of what you want to discuss in the performance review.

Ask the domestic employee to complete a self-evaluation before your meeting. The self-evaluation should address the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, along with general feedback regarding their position.

Having these materials on hand will help you provide specific examples and keep the discussion focused.


4. Start with Positives

Start the performance review on a positive note, highlighting your employee's strengths and achievements over the review period. Mention specific instances where they excelled. This not only boosts morale but also shows that you appreciate their hard work. Feedback is often better accepted when given in “sandwich method”: positive, constructive feedback, positive.


5. Address Areas for Improvement

It is, of course, very important to discuss where improvement is needed or to provide constructive feedback. Try to be specific and objective:

- Avoid vague statements like "You need to be more attentive."

- Instead, say, "I've noticed that the kitchen isn't always as tidy as we'd like. Let's discuss how we can ensure it's consistently clean."

Be prepared to offer solutions or additional training if necessary. You want to work with your domestic employee to find solutions.


6. Discuss Professional Development

In many domestic staff positions, professional development is appropriate. Talk about opportunities for professional growth, which may include additional trainings or certifications, attending workshops, or leaning a new skill that can benefit both the employee and your household. Professional development can also be as simple as providing books on childcare matters to your nanny, for instance. Showing interest in your domestic employee’s professional development demonstrates your commitment to their career growth.


7. Review Compensation and Benefits

Discuss any potential changes in compensation or benefits. If your domestic employee has met or exceeded expectations, consider offering a raise or additional perks. This annual review is also the perfect time to discuss planned vacations. Clear communication about salary and benefits is essential to maintaining a positive working relationship.


8. Encourage Open Dialogue

Invite your domestic employee to share their feedback and concerns. Have them share their self-evaluation form to discuss any additional concerns or feedback. Ask how you can support them in their position. Listening to their input shows respect and fosters mutual trust.


9. Document the Review

After the performance review, document the key points discussed, including any goals set and feedback given. Provide a copy to your employee and keep one for your records in the employee’s personnel file. This helps track progress and provides a reference for future reviews.


Conducting a performance review with your domestic employee is an opportunity to strengthen your working relationship and ensure a long-term placement. We hope these tips help you manage successful reviews!

owner of MoniCare Monika DinsmoneMonika Dinsmone
Founder and Executive Director

Grace Gall
Placement Director

Sarah Kelly
Placement Counselor
Candidate Director


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Communications Specialist











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